China warns Philippines of ‘red line’ in the South China Sea
A former senior Chinese official said Manila shouldn’t be allowed to take disputed shoals.
A former senior Chinese official said Manila shouldn’t be allowed to take disputed shoals.
The two leaders spoke to reporters after Thursday’s meeting at the White House.
Zhengis Zhanat’s family called for compensation after he claims he was poisoned and beaten by police in Xinjiang.
A recent study suggests Tibetans, Uyghurs in Switzerland face surveillance and cyberattacks initiated by Beijing.
The espionage case involved a planned flight to China and forced propaganda videos.
A former senior Chinese official said Manila shouldn’t be allowed to take disputed shoals.
The two leaders spoke to reporters after Thursday’s meeting at the White House.
Zhengis Zhanat’s family called for compensation after he claims he was poisoned and beaten by police in Xinjiang.
A recent study suggests Tibetans, Uyghurs in Switzerland face surveillance and cyberattacks initiated by Beijing.
Architectural plans are redacted ‘for security reasons’ but show hugely expanded staff accommodation.
The espionage case involved a planned flight to China and forced propaganda videos.
The move comes after national security police questioned family members of a former director in January.
The US dropped wording stating that it does not support independence for Taiwan.
Tensions loom as Canberra issued an alert about Chinese warships near Australia.
Experts say Washington should consider buying back some ports, offer incentives to allies to decouple from China.