Transcript of conversation with Nurtay in English

RFA Reporter: The last phone call was made on July 12, 2004 by a Chinese Public Security Agent who changed his name to Nurtay. He advised Parhat to join the Uyghur American Association again to report on the activities of the organization. Of course, however, Parhat Yasin refused this condition and told him not to phone again.

[Recorded conversation in Uyghur]

Nurtay: The thing, err, the thing, you, err, the thing we have discussed last time, err, what do you think, err, now?

Parhat: Nurtay, err, we can keep talking about it but it is rubbish. They are agreed. As you know, I have spent a lot of money. This…

Nurtay: You said your wife agreed.

Parhat: Well, I waited for her for 8 years and now I have to think about my life. We discussed about me getting married. Waited until now. She could not get out during those 8 years. If your policy changes, then, that is good, if not, then that is it. So, [I] do not want to give you a headache and I do not want a headache either. If god wills it, then I will pay child support for two kids to grow up there. They were born there and grew up there and it is not a big problem. That is what I think.

Nurtay: You see, Parhat, do not say your wife has agreed.

Parhat: There is no other solution for her. What is the point of hurting her? I should not have hurt her.

Nurtay: But you do that, you see. We came to this world…

Parhat: Yeah.

Nurtay: For your divorce, err, your wife’s divorce, I cannot disagree more as it is not my business. We came to this world as men. Your child, err, child born, err your child is born, you, err, you, how can you not to take care of your child? Have you thought about your children? There is no point to talking rubbish and that is what we think. As we discussed last time, why not find a way to meet in person? You find a way to come to Canada or another neighboring country of America like Mexico. Then we can go there. If not, if you have, or if you have any relatives who can go there, err, we do not go there, of course. Your relative who can go there will go there. But they will have to meet with us first. We should meet up with them. Err, we should meet with them once. When we meet, you should at least see our face and know who we are. Let’s meet up and talk face to face. I think everything will be sorted out.

Parhat: Hey, Nurtay. We’ve talked a lot and now…

Nurtay: A lot of things are happening in the world and everything has a solution.

Parhat: A solution? You are messing up the solution and you blocked every way and now how can we solve...

Nurtay: Err, you…

Parhat: Me, err, I am a just simple man and you gave me all of kinds of conditions as government officials. How can I trust you? Get my wife or children first. Get them out first. After they are out, then… err, how can I trust you? I have paid a high price for this, too much! Let’s say I worked for you. What kind? I, eer, provide you with some info?

Nurtay: Err, what would you think if we came with your older brother?

Parhat: No. Neither can my older brother nor sister get involved in it. About this business, err, I did not even tell my mother when I left home for her. It has been about a year talking about this thing. Show me something that I can trust. Tell me what you can do. A thing that helps me trust you about what you can do.

Nurtay: Do, will do. Either let you wife or children out or you can come here. If you come, we, err, everything, will arrange everything for you. That is what we will do. If you do not anything, err, if we cannot put anything on the table of our boss that you will provide for us, then, how can we do that? Err, if you do not provide on the chair? First you do something like….

Parhat: For what? Hey, Nurtay, for what should I do that? What have you done for me? It takes time. We should not bother each other about this business.

Nurtay: We both think about it very carefully. You see, there is someone who can solve this problem. You see, let’s do that. We can talk about it

Parhat: Yeah.

Nurtay: There are two solutions. Err, we should meet up. Err, you’ve said you could not come out of the U.S. Do you know how to type and operate a computer?

Parhat: Yeah.

Nurtay: You know to how to use a computer?

Parhat: Yes, I do.

Nurtay: Err, computer, err, use Uyghur scripts on a computer, like err.

Parhat: Yeah.

Nurtay: Err, the thing, err, like, you send us. Then we will let your wife and children out.

Parhat: What do I send through the computer?

Nurtay: Err, the thing, err, the activities of the Uyghur American Association to us.

Parhat: No. I will not. As we’ve discussed…

Nurtay: Yeah.

Parhat: I will not do anything until I see my wife and children. I have clearly told you [that] in the past and it will not change.

[Recording ends here]